Before any bill becomes law, there are three main votes it must pass: these are the first, second and third readings. For most bills, there is a chance for members of the public to make submissions at the select committee stage, which happens between the first and second readings.
After a bill passes its third reading vote, it is granted Royal Assent by the Governor-General and becomes law, subject to any commencement provisions contained within the bill.
WhereTheyStand contains all bills from the 51st Parliament and later (2014—present). These are imported from Parliament's own website on a regular basis and are automatically linked with voting records and MPs' profiles to make it easier for you to find what you are looking for.
This bill is included in a package of bills amending regulatory systems administered by the Ministry of Justice. Its policy is to improve the operations and efficiency of occupational regulation.
Last activity 7 days agoThis bill is included in a package of bills amending regulatory systems administered by the Ministry of Justice. It seeks to improve the operations and efficiency of tribunals and quasi-judicial bodies.
Last activity 7 days agoThis bill allows for protected negotiations to occur between an employer and an employee to terminate the employee's contract if, for example, the demands of the business mean that it is imperative to dismiss the employee.
Last activity 7 days agoThis bill amends the Copyright Act 1994 to provide that fair dealing with a work does not infringe copyright if the purpose is for parody or satire.
Last activity 7 days agoThis bill is included in a package of bills amending regulatory systems administered by the Ministry of Justice. It addresses legislative inconsistencies, relieves administrative burdens and reduces duplication, gaps, errors, and anomalies, and clarifies the roles and expands the powers and jurisdiction of judicial officers.
Last activity 7 days agoThis bill is included in a package of bills amending regulatory systems administered by the Ministry of Justice. It aims to improve New Zealand's anti-money laundering and terrorism financing regime to make the system more risk-based, efficient, and effective.
Last activity 7 days agoThis omnibus bill enables minor, technical, and non-controversial amendments to legislation relating to Māori affairs.
Last activity 7 days agoThe purpose of this bill is to set out the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi in legislation and to require, where relevant, that those principles must be used when interpreting legislation.
Last activity 12 days agoThe bill seeks to strengthen legislative safeguards to enhance protection for victims of sexual violence as they participate in court processes.
Last activity 29 days agoThis bill prevents the revocation of certain secondary legislation that, by virtue of the Act under which it is made, will be revoked at a stated time unless earlier confirmed by an Act of Parliament.
Last activity 29 days ago