Before any bill becomes law, there are three main votes it must pass: these are the first, second and third readings. For most bills, there is a chance for members of the public to make submissions at the select committee stage, which happens between the first and second readings.
After a bill passes its third reading vote, it is granted Royal Assent by the Governor-General and becomes law, subject to any commencement provisions contained within the bill.
WhereTheyStand contains all bills from the 51st Parliament and later (2014—present). These are imported from Parliament's own website on a regular basis and are automatically linked with voting records and MPs' profiles to make it easier for you to find what you are looking for.
This bill establishes preliminary arrangements for local government water services delivery.
Last activity 4 days agoThis bill extends the current duration of all coastal permits currently issued under the Resource Management Act 1991 authorising aquaculture activities by 20 years, but not beyond 2050.
Last activity 4 days agoThis is an omnibus bill with the single broad policy to reduce firearms crime and its impact on communities by enabling firearms prohibition orders to be made and monitored against a wider group of persons whose behaviour and actions pose a high risk of violence.
Last activity 4 days agoThis omnibus bill implements the single broad policy of increasing remote participation in court proceedings.
Last activity 4 days agoThis bill amends the Gambling Act 2003 to make permanent the temporary provision currently in section 4A that exempts class 3 gambling in the form of a lottery from the prohibition on remote interactive gambling in section 9.
Last activity 5 days agoThis bill seeks to strengthen the regulatory framework for vaping to better protect young people by amending the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Act 1990.
Last activity 5 days agoThis bill seeks to respond to competition issues in the sector by amending the Building Act 2004 to remove barriers to overseas building products entering New Zealand's building product market and being used in New Zealand buildings.
Last activity 5 days agoThis is an omnibus bill that consolidates and modernises the law about Parliament, replacing the 4 Acts that currently relate to the operation of Parliament.
Last activity 5 days agoThis bill amends the Education and Training Act 2020 to repeal the early childhood education network approval provisions, provide for a new type of school (charter school/kura hourua), and enable the Secretary for Education to make rules about attendance data.
Last activity 6 days agoThis omnibus bill seeks to enable consumers and businesses to effectively protect themselves against risk, while minimising costs and impacts on insurers' willingness to provide insurance in New Zealand.
Last activity 7 days ago